Friday, September 25, 2009

Double Scratchy Event! PangyaUS

Look like NTREEV's "scratchy" cards are failing hard if they are resorting to this. Personally I wasted about 35 cards and got nothing. Plus, I dislike how they are not ordering the scratchy cards in chronological order.


  1. hmm, that's funny, I won 4 rares in 46 tries.. one of my friend tried around 50, and got 3 dresses, 2 ssaf, and an elf ear

  2. Cool! First Comment on my blog!

    Anyways to get back on topic, just out of curiosity do you know anyone else that had won rares around 100 scratchy cards? I also watched a few videos on YouTube showing the failure rate of the scratchy cards. I guess it wasn't my luck then.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hmm, back when there's no x2 rate, I spent around 100 cards at first, got 1 rare, spent another 100, got another one, then spent the last 300, only got 1 rare.. stopped scratching after that..

    Bought more points, saved up the cards, and then scratched 46 on this event, I haven't heard of anyone scratching 100+ on the event and not getting anything. Without the event however, a lot of them failed to get a rare after 200+ so yeah, not everyone can get a rare within 100 scratchies on a normal rate

    (above post removed because I wanted to edit something, lol)
